XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-4567 NOTE that the 4567 digits shown above relate to the last four digits of the card number. This question helps format the string to something like 1234-5678-9123-4567. But it does not help with,xxxx the format required above. While looking for answers I also came across the following solution:
string1 = xxx-xx-xxxx. or . string1 = xx-xxxxxxx . How can I make the regex accept both kinds of values for the same element? The xs represent numbers only. so total number of digits = 9 (anything between 0-9) total number of elements in the value is either 11 or 10... depending on which format. and total number of dashes is either 2 or 1.
I want that whenever I type a number in the number input field in XXXXXXXXXX format it takes as XXX-XXX-XXXX using HTML, CSS and javascript. Just like this snippet but without using the mask sc,xxxxrip...
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